Meet and share your story

Connect with peers and partners

The ICLEI World Congress 2018 will provide a plethora of opportunities and formats for local leaders, business and private sector representatives, academics and researchers, community organizers, and on-the-ground implementers to network and engage in meaningful debates around the sustainable urban development agenda, pursuing solutions to their current challenges, and forging new partnerships for delivering successful sustainable local action.


City exchange space

Make the most out of your stay and arrange city-to-city dialogues and bilateral meetings with your peers and private sector partners by reserving time slots in the dedicated City Exchange space or reach out to ICLEI to help facilitate a relevant meeting for you to discuss topics of mutual interest and present your local and regional initiatives.

What can participants benefit from the meetings mentioned above?

City-to-city dialogues: the main goal of these meetings is to interact with one another, and bring local governments together to discuss common challenges and solutions. Examples of experiences from local governments will be presented to kick off the conversation about how to face the future and how to actively contribute to its development in a more responsible and efficient way.

Bilateral meeting: these meetings offer a more private setting to discuss with partners or peers about specific topics of interest. If you are interested in speaking face to face with a particular partner or peer, book a room at the ICLEI World Congress 2018 and expand your network.


If you wish to meet with peers or partners that you already know and with whom you have already established communication with, please contact the ICLEI World Congress staff at to express your interest in reserving a timeslot in the City Exchange space.

We will send you the “Logistics form for side meetings” to be filled in with information about the purpose of the meeting you would like to host, the number of people expected, other logistical information and your preferred dates and times.

If you would like to meet with a counterpart, but have not yet established the communication, and would like ICLEI to facilitate the dialogue, please contact your ICLEI regional office for support.


Exhibition and networking space

Showcase your work to a global audience, connect with peers and partners and walk through a miniature version of sustainable city in our vibrant and spacious exhibition space.

For more information on visibility opportunities click here.

Showcase your work in video

Throughout the event, videos will be played to explore the best practices of the broader ICLEI network regarding selected topics. All cities and regions are encouraged to submit a video, especially those which are unable to attend the World Congress but still wish to share their sustainability successes. Moreover, videos will be also available on our website and on the Congress App to be accessible by anyone able to participate or not. 


Record an engaging 20-second video involving the Mayor or a high-level representative in one of the two following formats:

a) Describe the general sustainability focus of your city or region, and give an example

b) Describe and give an example of a specific sustainability initiative in your city and region, which centers on one or more of the following topics:

  • Systemic resilience
  • Inclusiveness and reconciliation
  • Collaborative governance
  • Circular economy in cities and regions
  • Sustainable procurement
  • Sustainable financing and investment
  • Low carbon policies
  • Integrated climate action
  • Nature-based solutions
  • Smart cities
  • Eco-mobility
  • Safe and healthy cities

Send your video to the ICLEI World Congress 2018 Team at: with the subject line: “Video for the ICLEI World Congress 2018”by 19 May 2018.

Submit a poster showcasing your local initiatives

During the World Congress, the Global Gallery of Local Action poster exhibition will be displayed throughout the venue, detailing key sustainability initiatives from the ICLEI network. By submitting a poster, local governments can showcase key projects in their jurisdictions, allowing a wide range of attendees to discover the vital work being carried out within the ICLEI network.


We invite you to think about this offer focusing on innovative projects and key sustainable areas that involve your municipality/organization and to submit your poster information, so that we can create and print your poster in time.

Please see the template provided and the form to review which information is needed:  

  1. Click here to download the template containing the information about Medellín. It will be an useful guide when filling your poster out.
  2. Click here to download the empty form and fill it in with the required information.

On the left you can see an example of what your poster will look like.

Send your poster to the ICLEI World Congress 2018 Team at: with the subject line: “Poster for the ICLEI World Congress 2018” by 19 May 2018.

Montreal‘s mobile workshops

Offered both in English and French, the ten mobile workshops will allow participants to uniquely experience the host city while touring with experts in the vibrant and welcoming Ville de Montréal.

Click here to know more about this opportunity!