E9 The transatlantic climate bridge: Facilitating effective climate exchange across borders
The Transatlantic Climate Bridge initiative was launched in 2008 by the German Ministry for Environment (BMU) and the German Federal Foreign Office. It serves as a platform for dialogue on climate and energy with actors in the United States and Canada. The initiative’s current event is an exchange tour between the province of Alberta and the federal state of North Rhein Westphalia from June 17 – 20, 2018. During the exchange, municipal and regional German climate managers and actors, as well as Alberta provincial and municipal officials and industry representatives exchanged experiences, challenges, ideas and approaches to structural transition and climate protection in the context of carbon-intensive and highly industrialized regions. This ICLEI roundtable will highlight the experiences and findings of the exchange participants, and discuss the most effective methods to facilitate on-going transatlantic climate exchange.
Emma Krause
Consultant, IFOK GmbH
Guido Wermes
Climate Protection Manager, City of Rheine
Jennider Hoeltke
Energy and Climate Expert, City of Osnabrück
Andreas Witte
Head of Climate and Energy Department, District of Osnabrück
Angelica Paar
Energy Manager, IFEU
Kathrin Bimesdörfer
Board Member, IFOK GmbH