C1 Energy transition of industrial legacy cities
Industrial legacy cities have embraced both change and opportunity in the energy sector as they look to move beyond their historical reliance on fossil fuel-based, extractive and polluting industries. Taking ownership of their own energy transitions with bold visions and ambitious actions, city governments are tackling entrenched energy-related challenges including poor air quality, negative health impacts and high energy burdens on citizens as well as the rising urgency of aging infrastructure, investment shortages and inefficient energy systems and built environments.
What lessons can be learnt from their transitions from industrial pasts towards more sustainable futures? How can cities work together with partners and citizens to take the next big steps towards clean energy and low-carbon development?
Hannah Rothschild
Officer, City Business Collaboration, ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
Wolfgang Jung
CEO, Science Park Gelsenkirchen, City of Gelsenkirchen
Grant Ervin
CRO, City of Pittsburgh
Ang Ye
Energy-Efficient Buildings China, Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (dena) – German Energy Agency
George Berbari